Defective ABCC8 can cause hypoglycemias and hyperglycemias - Pathway Page
Name Defective ABCC8 can cause hypoglycemias and hyperglycemias
Resource Reactome
Genes ABCC8 KCNJ11
Size 2
Hierarchy Landscape

The following plot represents the hierarchical landscape of 'Defective ABCC8 can cause hypoglycemias and hyperglycemias'. The hierarchical tree allows to click on the pathways with children (black border) and continue the exploration. All nodes are colored by their source (click on the map for the legend) and cross-link to the original pathway page.


ComPath is developed and maintained in an academic capacity by Daniel Domingo-Fernández and Charles Tapley Hoyt at the Fraunhofer SCAI Department of Bioinformatics. This web application relies on data loaded from KEGG, Reactome, and WikiPathways Restful APIs, as well as MSigDB. More information here.